When you pay your propane fuel invoice using Cash or Check within 10 days of delivery, we give you $5 back for every $200 spent on the propane invoice. (Payment by credit card reduces the amount of the gift card.)
Reminder: You cannot use the gift card toward propane bill.
And when you receive your Holiday Propane Gift Card, use it the same as cash at any of the following locally owned businesses. (see below)
Holiday Propane, like many Teton Valley businesses are strengthened by our every-day relationships with friends, families, and neighbors. Together we thrive on community support and customer loyalty. As a result, we have partnered with a wide variety of local businesses so you can feel good supporting other families while spending your Holiday Propane gift card.
Just another reason to choose Holiday Propane. When you support locally-owned you are supporting other families, friends, and neighbors.
*All corporate/business rates do not qualify for the Holiday Propane Gift Card.
Holiday Propane Gift cards are mailed out each week to qualifying customers. Should mail get returned due to insufficient address, we will email you and ask that you pick up the gift card at our office. Thank you.